Do You Need A Liver Cleanse Supplement? 5 Clues

Liver Cleanse On Sale Now! 8-20-24 through 8-27-24.

We have a saying at our house that the reason the phrase "practicing medicine" exists is that even doctors don't have all the answers!  They are often "practicing" trying to figure out what really works. How do you know what you really need?  Especially when it comes to supplements?

Here's some food for thought regarding liver wellness if you are dealing with any of the 5 health conditions listed below.

The liver is a vital organ that performs over 500 functions, including breaking down fat and storing iron.  Many factors can cause the liver to become congested including environmental toxins, alcohol, drugs and medications.

A sluggish or impaired liver can cause a variety of symptoms including: 
  1. DIGESTIVE ISSUES:  Constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, acid reflux, gas and bloating;

  2. FATIGUE:  Feeling tired, even after sleeping well, or groggy after meals or drinking;

  3. SKIN ISSUES: Rashes, dry, itchy or discolored skin, premature graying of hair or yellowish skin and eyes

  4. WEIGHT GAIN: Especially around the abdomen, or an inability to lose weight;

  5. OTHER SYMPTOMS: Headaches, nausea after eating fatty foods, bad breath, white or yellow tongue, moodiness, anxiety, depression or excessive sweating.
I am going to start using the liver cleanse as well.  Now that I'm 70, the weight around the abdomen has become so stubborn and I'm hopeful that this will help.  I had not realized that this could be related to liver function!

CLICK HERE to order this excellent, top-quality  liver cleanse and save $4!