It was a phone call with a lymphologist when we first started sharing the Tea (in 2008) that introduced me to the value of rebounding to cleanse, restore and literally rebuild the body. It is fun, it makes you smile and it will change your life! You can see my chart at the bottom for a list of 30 powerful benefits for absolutely every person of every age and ability.
Fast Forward to last fall, October 2024: I gained some weight with all our travel last year ... and was feeling pretty miserable!
I have started listening to Barbara O'Neill. Believe it or not, she says that 1 minute of jumping in the morning gets things revved up for your entire body for the WHOLE day!
In late October, Icombined that with her info for triggering the Health Growth Hormone (HGH) and voila: I'm done 5-7 pounds and sleeping better too. I will rebound several times a week for the rest of my life!
Jump For Health: Here's the basic info from Barbara O'Neill and don't miss the awesome comments! CLICK HERE TO Watch Now (Listen time is about 5 minutes -- although she has MANY fascinating videos! And there are a bunch of other health experts to share the good news of rebounding.)
Next week I'll tell you how I'm incorporating jumping with trigerring HGH, the Human Growth Hormone for weight loss, metabolism and overall "youthening."
You'll learn so much from listening to her, or googling "Rebounding for Health" that the info below is the cherry on top.
ENJOY! And I hope you'll be rebounding soon.
IMPORTANT: Even putting the rebounder in front of a chair or your bedside, then sitting on the edge of the seat/bed and bouncing on the rebounder with your feet can make a difference! Read on below for the details on that.
Here’s how it works:
The Detoxification Effect of Rebounding
Physiologically speaking, the lymphatic system of the human body is the metabolic garbage can of the body. It rids you of toxins such as dead and cancerous cells, nitrogenous wastes, fat, infectious viruses, heavy metals, and other assorted junk cast off by the cells. The movement performed in rebounding provides the stimulus for a free-flowing system that drains away these potential poisons.
Unlike the arterial system, the lymphatic system does not have its own pump. It has no heart muscle to move the fluid around through its lymph vessels. There are just three ways to activate the flow of lymph away from the tissues it serves and back into the main pulmonary circulation. Lymphatic flow requires muscular contraction from exercise and movement, gravitational pressure, and internal massage to the valves of lymph ducts.
The lymphatic system is like a series of sacks combined to form a one way channel for liquids. When the body moves vertically the sack’s valves open allowing the fluid to flow from one sack to the next. “The lymphatic system has three interrelated functions. It is responsible for the removal of interstitial (waste) fluid from tissues. It absorbs and transports fatty acids and fats as chyle (mixed fats) to the circulatory system. The last function of the lymphatic system is the transport of immune cells to and from the lymph nodes,” according to Wikipedia.
Rebounding supplies all three methods of removing waste products from the cells and from the body. Then arterial blood enters the capillaries in order to furnish the cells with fresh tissue fluid containing food and oxygen. The bouncing motion effectively moves and recycles the lymph and the entire blood supply through the circulatory system many times during the course of the rebounding session.
Rebounding is a lymphatic exercise. It has the same effect on your body as jumping rope, but without any jarring effect to the ankles, knees, and lower back that comes from hitting the ground. Better than rope jumping, however, the lymphatic channels get put under hydraulic pressure to move fluids containing waste products of metabolism around and out of the body through the left subclavian vein.
Albert Einstein’s new theory of gravity, published in 1911, finds that the human body can’t tell the difference between gravity, acceleration and deceleration. That means, as you bounce up and down you increase and decrease the gravity on your entire body, which exercises your body. Bouncing is also a motion which is aligned with gravity, so you get a more efficient exercise than running.
“NASA studies have shown that rebounders provide a 68% more efficient exercise than jogging or treadmills, and they’re safer.” says Irene Zaff, a retired nurse, avid rebounder and entrepreneur who has been selling rebounders for over two years.
“A rebounder is a great way to strengthen your legs and core. Mini trampolines are gentle on your bones and joints while they work your muscles. Also, a rebounder workout is so effective as a cardiovascular routine that you’ll immediately notice the benefits.”
Rebounding Helps Build Bone Density
Osteoporosis is a big reality for me. Genetically I am predisposed to this condition, and it’s not a happy prognosis. Studies have shown that just 10 minutes rebounding a day builds bone density. In addition to heredity, many people lose bone density (osteoporosis) due to poor diet, polluted environment and unhealthy lifestyle. With rebounding we have a simple drug free, toxic calcium free, dairy free, safe alternative to support a healthy nutrient dense diet and healthy lifestyle. Of course, everyone benefits from stronger more flexible bones. While other exercises build bone density, the advantage of rebounding is the low impact, anti gravity effects and thus less stress on the joints.
Information Is Widely Available
You may have other health issues that rebounding will immediately address. A quick Google search with the keywords “rebound” and your particular interest will provide a wealth of information.
There are also several books available about rebounding. I contacted the author of one of these books, “Looking Good, Feeling Great” by Karol Truman. (Though Karol passed away last year in 2024 -- in her 90s), she was a pioneer in promoting and providing quality rebounders in the early 1980’s as the industry was getting started.)
The Trumans’ experience in selling rebounders for many years documents the benefits for all ages, but especially seniors who need increased mobility. During our interview all those years ago, she shared one story after another of how bouncing had changed people’s health and lives.
Rebounders Help Seniors and Youths
One of their customers bought it for his 90 year old mother who had become immobile. For a short 10-minute session each day his mother sat on the side of her bed, with her feet resting on the rebounder. Then he himself stood on the rebounder and bounced lightly, causing his mother’s legs to gently bounce up and down. Within a matter of several weeks her mobility was greatly enhanced, allowing her to stand (with a bar) and rebound on her own. Over the next several months she become increasingly mobile and continued rebounding.
Five years later the local newspaper did a story on this woman who at age 95, had greatly reversed her bleak condition of five years earlier.
It is easy to imagine the two of them having a very good time, laughing and smiling during their daily “bouncing” sessions. What a great way to spend time with a senior loved one!
She shared another story of a struggling teen that was not doing well at all in school. He came home from school each day and “just for fun” watched an after school family sitcom while rebounding for 30 minutes to de-stress. Within a matter of several months, his school work and outlook were markedly improved.
“Coincidence?” said Karol. “Maybe so, but there are studies that prove how rebounding literally changes every cell in the entire body! Even brain cells!”
Karol elaborated on how “youthen-ing” rebounding is for even facial muscles, and how it literally massages all organs and systems.
“It’s even more beneficial,” she said, “to take the rebounder outside and do it with the sun shining on you as rebounding in the sunshine will increase your absorption of Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D sufficiency, along with diet and exercise, has emerged as one of the most important preventive factors in human health.
I was able to visit with Karol several more times and she became a friend to me. I'm sad that she's gone, (she was well into her 90s) but oh what a difference she made in this world!