10 Best Foods For Colon Health and Regulary PART 1

As a quick review, we all know that the the colon is designed to clean itself independently and regularly. For many people this is blessedly true. In days gone by, when the world was a cleaner place and diets were better without the additives and refining processes, that was probably true to a far greater extent.  But no matter the environment, decreased regularity and increasingly poor digestion are very common and frustrating aging issues.  They can have a very serious impact on overall health and longevity.

Others (some from infancy on) are challenged to live their entire lives with chronic constipation, no matter what they do or do not eat.

Even more individuals are on medications that cause ongoing constipation.

So the journey continues.  Diet and adequate hydration* can and DO play a critical part whether we want to embrace that truth or not.

How long since you’ve reviewed the foods that support colon health for most individuals? Here’s some food for thought … and food to eat that may be just what your body needs and is craving!  The right foods in our bodies for colon health are almost always the best foundation.

*Please note that adequate hydration is an extremely essential part of regularity and soft, easy bowel movement! Seniors become less thirsty as they age and often must make a VERY conscious effort to get in their 8 glasses of water/liquid a day, whether they are thirsty or not. Here are the top 5 foods and we’ll share 5 more next week!

1. Quinoa and Brown Rice:  Our focus should be on whole foods that are as close to the state in which Mother Nature made them. Minimally processed whole grains like brown rice, oats, and quinoa, are a great place to start, says Dr. Valente. These are packed with fiber, which is why they’re among the top foods that cleanse your colon— eating three servings daily lowers colorectal cancer risk by 17 percent, per a 2017 report from the Harvard T Chan School of Public Health.

2.  Beans and Lentils: Cook them yourself or use right from from the can!  Legumes like beans and lentils are also loaded with fiber. People who eat the most fiber from vegetable sources like legumes are 35 percent less likely to have colon polyps—in the lining of the colon that can develop into cancer—compared to those who eat the least. These legumes may also contain cancer-protective phytochemicals, researchers say. And you can keep things simple by stocking your pantry with canned beans.

3.  Chia Seeds: Just 2 Tbsp. is 10 grams of fiber! Up to 40% of our daily needs.  “Fiber moves through your colon and brings toxic chemcials and substances like cholesterol out of the body. Nutrients within fiber rich foods, like chia seeds, also affect the colon on a cellular level to guard against disease.

4.  Broccoli, Cauliflower and Kale: These cruciferous veggies are some of the best sources of fiber. One study found that eating a daily serving of cooked dark green or cruciferous vegeables lowered colon cancer risk by 24%. And there’s great value to eating them raw!

5. Walnuts:  14 halves provide 2 grams of fiber. That single serving also contain omega-3 fatty aids in the form of alpha-linolenic acid.  Eating walnuts regularly creates a healthier gut environment.

I’ll share another 5 next week!  Today’s recipe is right in keeping with whole grains and oats! It would be delicious with some added chopped walnuts.